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Work Out Routines

1. Xanxaus Cross Work-Out

Tools: a set of dumbbells
Each set consist of 10 reps an overall of 25 sets each.
Always constantly stretch after a full set is complete.
This will make it easier to do more sets without feeling too soar in the morning.

Monday -Friday: On
Saturday - Sunday: Off

Stretches/ Warm ups

Quadriceps Standing

1. Stand holding onto a secure object, or have one hand raised out to the side for balance.
2. Raise one heel up toward your buttocks, and grasp hold of your foot, with one hand.
3. Inhale, slowly pulling your heel to your buttock while gradually pushing your pelvis forward.
4. Aim to keep both knees together, having a slight bend in the supporting leg.

Spine curve

1. Begin the stretch by laying on your front, with your hands close to your chest, fingers pointing upward.
2. Exhale, pushing yourself up with your arms and contracting your buttocks while keeping both feet firmly on the floor.
3. Look up toward the ceiling, to also feel the stretch in your neck.


1. Stand with both feet facing forward, double shoulder-width apart, with legs slightly bent.
2.keep your upper body straight, with elbows high, as you slowly twist around in both directions.
3. Avoid moving at speed, or forcing the stretch

Shoulder Strangle

1. Cross one arm horizontally over your chest, grasping it with either your hand or forearm, just above the elbow joint.
2. Exhale, slowly pulling your upper arm in toward your chest.
3. Aim to keep the hips and shoulders facing forward throughout the stretch.

Power Jacks

1. Jumping Jack into a squat position - and repeat

Push-up Jacks

1. Start in Plank position, shoulders in a straight line with your wrist, palms spread wide on the floor
2. Tighten your core, keep your back straight
3. Bend at your elbows and bring your chest towards the floor, while at the same time jump your feet wide
4.Jump your feet back to starting point, while straightening your arms again

Switch Kick(2 Kicks = 1 rep)

1. Start with your right foot forward, weight spread equally between the front and back legs. Keep your arms up in protective form and begin shifting your weight back to your left foot.
2. Switch your stance, shuffling your feet so that your left foot is forward and right foot is back. Switch your arms with your feet and shift the weight back to your right foot.
3. Kick with your left leg immediately following the shuffle.

1 Mile Jog


Quadriceps Standing(Left & right lift=1rep) 10reps x 25sets
Spine curve 10reps x 25set
Twists(left and right twist = 1rep) 10reps x 25set
Shoulder Strangle(left & right strangle = 1rep)10reps x 25set
Power Jacks 10reps x 25set
Push-up Jacks 10reps x 25set
Switch Kick(2 Kicks = 1 rep)10reps x 25set


Dumbbell Curl (left and right curl = 1rep) 10rep x 25set
Bench Press 10rep x 25set
Shoulder Press 10rep x 25set
Butterfly Press 10rep x 25set
Sit-ups 10rep x 25set
Squats 10rep x 25set